miercuri, 21 septembrie 2011

New website for Leris

     Me and my colleagues made a website for the new Leris competition, which will take place the next year.
  Though we don't have so much experience in creating websites, we did our best. It's a challenge. We spent the whole summer working on it hoping to get a good mark on it. Later I will post some pics with it, so please share your thoughts. Love it? Hate it? Waiting for you response. Please cheer for us while we're going to do the presentation.
     This project was a good way for me to develop new abilities. Besides learning how to create a website (and not just a html homework, but a large-scale project, that afterwards could be seen by lots of people who understand the meaning of my work), I was able to learn new things. Sure it was tired and exhausted doing the project, but now I realize how much it helped me. I know I still have got a long way to go in creating websites, but it's a first step. Creating the website made me want to improve in everything I do and became one of the rare 10% of professionals that always strive to be more successful. From now on I want to focus on personal and professional development to ensure that I have the ability to became THE VERY BEST. Creating this website with my fellow members I could share my ideas, concepts and strategies to achieve the ultimate success.
     This thing made me realize how much I'm falling behind and how much I want to achieve in life.
     I just want to keep up the good work.

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